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Laser Leaders: Cynosure Apogee Elite Vs. Candela

The Cynosure Apogee Elite and Candela are two premier laser systems used in aesthetic clinics for procedures like hair removal, skin resurfacing, tattoo removal, and vascular lesion treatments.

With robust capabilities and sleek designs, both have their ardent proponents. But which one is better suited for your practice? Here is an in-depth feature comparison to help you decide.

A Brief Comparison Table

FeatureCynosure Apogee EliteCandela GentleMax Pro
Hair RemovalFaster treatment with 18mm spotExcellent efficacy
Vascular TreatmentsLarge spot for quick treatmentsGreat clearance
Tattoo RemovalEffective with 1064nm Nd:YAGSpecialized for dense ink removal
Skin RejuvenationNon-ablative Nd:YAGNon-ablative Nd:YAG
CoolingSmartCoolTM dynamic airflowProprietary DCDTM cooling
ScanningManual onlyAutospotTM automated scanner
Ease of UseVery intuitiveMore elegant interface
ReliabilityProven workhorseExcellent durability

Overview Of The Cynosure Apogee Elite

The Cynosure Apogee Elite is an Alexandrite and Nd:YAG combination laser released in 2018 as a successor to the popular Apogee platform. It features Cynosure’s proprietary Hair Reducing OptiPlex Technology and SmartCool air cooling to deliver rapid treatments with minimal pain and side effects. The Elite offers:

Cynosure Apogee Elite
Cynosure Apogee Elite
  • Alexandrite wavelength (755nm) – The Apogee Elite’s Alexandrite handpiece provides gold standard hair removal and vascular treatments. It penetrates deep in the dermis for excellent melanin absorption while minimizing damage to surrounding tissues. The large 18mm spot size enables fast treatment of large areas.
  • Nd:YAG wavelength (1064nm) – The 1064nm Nd:YAG is ideal for deeper and darker skin types (Fitzpatrick IV-VI). It penetrates deep for permanent hair reduction in coarse and hard-to-treat hair. The 10Hz high repetition rate ensures rapid treatments.
  • OptiPlex technology – With a specialized lens and optics design, OptiPlex harnesses the power of both wavelengths for better overlap and damage to the hair follicle. This results in faster and more consistent results compared to single wavelength lasers.
  • Adjustable pulse widths – Pulse widths can be adjusted from 2-50ms for Alexandrite and from 2-300ms for Nd:YAG. Wider pulses are safer and less painful for hair removal on sensitive areas or darker skin. Shorter pulses work best for vascular treatments.
  • Large 18mm spot size – The 18mm spot enables extremely fast treatment of larger areas like the legs and back.
  • SmartCoolTM – This dynamic cooling system adjusts airflow based on feedback from skin contact sensors. It provides optimal epidermal protection before, during and after each laser pulse.

With excellent clinical results and a reputation for reliability, the Cynosure Apogee Elite remains one of the most popular multi-wavelength platforms on the market.

Overview Of The Candela Gentlemax Pro

The Candela GentleMax Pro is Candela’s latest flagship laser system for multi-application use. It combines the gold-standard 755 nm Alexandrite laser with the 1064 nm Nd:YAG in a sleek, intuitive system for uncompromised results. Key features include:

Candela Gentlemax Pro
Candela Gentlemax Pro
  • Alexandrite and Nd:YAG wavelengths – Like the Apogee Elite, the GentleMax Pro offers both the 755nm and 1064nm wavelengths for treatment of all skin types.
  • High speed Alex handpiece – The 18mm Alex handpiece delivers fast treatments for large body areas like the legs and back.
  • Flexible pulse durations – Alexandrite pulse widths can be adjusted from 2-50ms, while the Nd:YAG offers 2-300ms pulses. Wider pulse durations are gentler for darker skin types.
  • Contact cooling – The sapphire contact cooling tip protects the epidermis before and after laser pulses. Separate pre-cooling is not required.
  • Proprietary Dynamic Cooling Device (DCDTM) – This technology intelligently cools the skin surface based on its unique properties. It offers superior epidermal protection compared to standard cooling systems.
  • Vessel targeting – The GentleMax Pro accurately targets cutaneous vascular lesions like spider veins with minimal scatter.
  • AutospotTM delivery system – This automated scanner system enables fast, uniform coverage without overlapping.

With its refined engineering and intuitive software interface, the GentleMax Pro system offers speed, efficacy and ease-of-use.

Cynosure Vs. Candela – Comparison Of Key Features

Let’s do a detailed head-to-head comparison of some of the most important features of these two industry-leading platforms:

Laser wavelengths and spot sizes

  • Both offer 755nm Alexandrite and 1064nm Nd:YAG wavelengths with adjustable pulse durations.
  • The Cynosure Elite has a larger 18mm Alex spot Vs. 15mm for Candela. The bigger spot enables faster leg/back hair removal.
  • The Nd:YAG spot is 10mm on both systems.

Cooling technology

  • The Cynosure system uses SmartCoolTM dynamic airflow cooling. The Candela has its proprietary DCDTM epidermal cooling device.
  • Both offer contact cooling capability and intelligence to adjust cooling based on skin type and condition.

Scanning capability

  • Only the Candela GentleMax Pro offers the integrated AutospotTM automated scanner for hands-free coverage. The Cynosure requires manual scanning.


  • The GentleMax Pro system has a more intuitive software interface and touchscreen. Treatment parameters are easier to adjust on the Candela.
  • The Elite is not far behind with its graphic icons and workflow menus but has a smaller display.

Reliability and durability

  • Both platforms feature rugged, clinician-friendly designs for longevity. They are engineered for high-volume use.
  • Cynosure lasers tend to have a reputation for outlasting most competitors. But the GentleMax Pro is also built like a tank.


  • Additional handpieces and software features can be added to both systems as upgrades.
  • Candela makes it a bit easier with its modular GentleMax Pro platform design.

Support and training

  • Both Candela and Cynosure offer excellent clinical training and ongoing support programs. This includes 24/7 technical phone support.


  • The GentleMax Pro costs about 10-15% more compared to the Apogee Elite model with comparable configurations.
  • But the Candela name carries a pricing premium based on its strong brand reputation.

Both the Cynosure Apogee Elite and Candela GentleMax Pro represent the pinnacle of laser technology for multi-application aesthetic use. While the GentleMax Pro costs more upfront and has better usability, the Cynosure provides nearly equivalent performance, reliability and support for a lower investment. Most clinics would be well-served by either of these industry leaders.

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Cynosure Vs. Candela – Hair Removal Efficacy

Since laser hair removal comprises a significant percentage of treatment volume for most aesthetic practices, it’s worth comparing how the Apogee Elite and GentleMax Pro platforms perform specifically for this application.

On all skin types, the clinical hair removal results achieved by both systems are excellent and largely comparable. Here are some key factors that differentiate the hair removal experience:

  • The larger 18mm spot and fast repetition rate of the Cynosure Elite enables quicker treatment of larger body areas like the arms, legs, chest and back.
  • The Elite’s Hair Reducing OptiPlex technology also seems to provide slightly faster reductions in hair density compared to the GentleMax Pro.
  • For darker skin (Fitzpatrick IV-VI), the GentleMax Pro’s intelligent DCD cooling may offer a slight edge in minimizing side effects like blistering or PIH.
  • The GentleMax Pro Autospot scanner allows hands-free hair removal. But most technicians still prefer manual control with linear scanning motions.
  • Overall treatment times are shorter with the Cynosure Elite thanks to the larger spot and faster cooling. Most technicians can treat more patients per day with the Elite.

Both platforms provide gold-standard permanent hair reduction that patients rave about. But the Cynosure Elite’s faster treatment speed gives it a slight advantage for high-volume hair removal.

Cynosure Vs. Candela – Treatment Of Vascular Lesions

The 755nm Alexandrite wavelength used in both the Cynosure and Candela systems is considered the gold standard for treating vascular lesions. Here is how the two platforms compare:

  • Both offer a range of pulse durations from 2-50ms to customize treatments for vessels of varying depths and diameters.
  • The GentleMax Pro may offer slightly better targeting of fine telangiectasia with its focused handpieces.
  • For spider veins, both systems yield excellent clearance with minimal adverse effects.
  • For larger leg veins up to 3mm diameter, either laser can provide successful coagulation.
  • The Elite tends to offer faster overall treatment thanks to its wide 18mm spot and rapid cooling.
  • With the GentleMax Pro, the clinician must manually scan over the treatment area. The automated Autospot scanner is not used for vascular treatments.

Overall, both laser systems are outstanding for vascular lesion clearance on all skin types. The major difference is speed, with an edge going to the Cynosure Elite for its wider spot and faster cooling system.

Cynosure Vs. Candela – Skin Rejuvenation Capabilities

Skin rejuvenation via laser resurfacing is another popular application offered by multi-platform laser systems like the Apogee Elite and GentleMax Pro. Here is how they compare for resurfacing procedures:

  • For full ablative CO2-type resurfacing, an additional module is required on both platforms. This allows superficial and deep ablation for significant wrinkle and scar reduction.
  • For non-ablative skin rejuvenation, the adjustable Nd:YAG wavelength on each system can penetrate deeply without removing the epidermis. This stimulates new collagen for smoothing fine lines and wrinkles.
  • The Cynosure Elite offers fractionated non-ablative skin rejuvenation handpieces for an additional cost. The GentleMax Pro does not currently offer fractionated capability.
  • Both systems deliver successful overall skin rejuvenation with the 1064nm Nd:YAG wavelength. For more significant ablation, CO2 modules are recommended as upgrades.

While the Elite platform offers more advanced skin resurfacing capabilities, the GentleMax Pro still provides non-ablative skin rejuvenation treatments with the 1064nm Nd:YAG that offer great results.

Cynosure Vs. Candela – Tattoo Removal Capabilities

Here is a brief comparison of how the Cynosure Apogee Elite and Candela GentleMax Pro platforms perform for laser tattoo removal procedures:

  • Both offer effective tattoo removal thanks to the 1064nm Nd:YAG wavelength that can fragment stubborn pigments.
  • Adjustable pulse durations from 2-300ms allow optimization for shattering different tattoo ink colors.
  • In general, more treatments are required to fully clear professional tattoos with dense, saturated pigment. Amateur tattoos with simpler pigments fade quicker.
  • The GentleMax Pro tends to yield slightly faster clearance thanks to its extremely high peak power and specialized ink-targeting optics.
  • For multicolored tattoos, the optional 532nm KTP handpiece available on both systems can treat red and orange pigments.
  • Some tattoo removal specialists feel the GentleMax Pro delivers visible fading in fewer sessions compared to other 1064nm-only lasers.

While both offer multi-wavelength tattoo removal, the GentleMax Pro’s specialized design makes it the top choice solely for removing challenging, dense tattoos.

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Cynosure Apogee Elite Vs. Candela GentleMax Pro – The Verdict

Both these industry flagship laser systems represent the pinnacle of aesthetic laser technology. They offer identical dual wavelengths, excellent treatment efficacy across applications, proven reliability, and robust warranties. However, some key differences give each platform its unique advantages:

  • The Cynosure Apogee Elite shines for laser hair removal and vascular treatments thanks to its larger 18mm spot and faster cooling for quick treatment of large areas. It also costs notably less than the Candela.
  • The Candela GentleMax Pro is the top choice solely for high-volume tattoo removal. Its precision optics and engineering give it an edge in fragmenting dense, saturated pigment. The GentleMax Pro also offers a more elegant, intuitive user interface.

Ideally, assessing your clinic’s specific case mix and volume requirements is recommended before deciding between these two stellar systems. While the Cynosure is best suited for clinics focused on hair removal and vascular treatments, the Candela delivers slightly faster multi-color tattoo removal. Both represent smart, successful investments that will handle any aesthetic application with gold-standard results.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What is the difference between cynosure and Candela?

Cynosure and Candela are two of the most reputable brands in aesthetic laser technology. Both offer industry-leading multi-wavelength laser systems like the Apogee Elite and GentleMax Pro to clinics worldwide. The main differences are:
Cynosure lasers tend to be priced 10-15% lower for comparable specifications.
Cynosure systems excel at faster hair removal and vascular treatments thanks to larger spot sizes and rapid cooling.
Candela machines like the GentleMax Pro offer more specialized designs focused solely on tattoo removal.
Candela’s software and user interface is more elegant and intuitive.

Is the Cynosure Apogee Elite laser good?

Yes, the Cynosure Apogee Elite is one of the top multi-wavelength laser systems available today. It delivers gold-standard permanent hair reduction and vascular lesion removal with excellent efficacy and safety across all skin types.
The large 18mm spot and fast cooling allow very quick treatments for high patient volume. It’s an excellent investment for any aesthetic clinic.

Is Candela laser the best?

Candela lasers like the GentleMax Pro deliver outstanding results across all applications from hair removal to tattoo fading. However, Cynosure competes head-to-head with Candela and often at a lower price point.
Different clinics may find one brand better suited for their mix of cases and volume requirements. But both Candela and Cynosure offer exceptional performance and reliability.

What type of laser is cynosure Apogee Elite?

The Cynosure Apogee Elite is an Alexandrite and Nd:YAG laser system. It uses a 755nm Alexandrite wavelength primarily for hair removal and vascular treatments.
It also incorporates a 1064nm Nd:YAG laser for deeper tissue penetration to treat darker skin types, as well as skin rejuvenation and tattoo removal capabilities. Both lasers are delivered via a robust, intuitive platform designed for busy clinics.

The Verdict

Both the Cynosure Apogee Elite and Candela GentleMax Pro represent the cutting edge of aesthetic laser technology. They combine gold-standard Alexandrite and Nd:YAG wavelengths in sleek, reliable packages to deliver successful treatments for all skin types.

While the GentleMax Pro costs more upfront, it offers specialized capabilities for challenging tattoo removal cases. Meanwhile, the Apogee Elite provides faster hair removal and vascular treatments for high volume. Carefully matching each platform’s strengths to your clinic’s needs will determine which is the better investment.

With excellent efficacy, speed and support, you can confidently choose either industry leader for outstanding patient outcomes across all applications.